Remove Ads from Animeflix

@ Animeflix we offer a subscription service to remove the ads from the website. This is a monthly or annual subscription service.

The Ads help pay for the hardware we use to connect to the internet and also pay for the servers we use to host the website.

How to remove Ads

Subscription Way

  1. Create/Sign in to your account.
  2. Go to the Pricing Page.
  3. Click which subscription you want to subscribe to.
  4. Enter your payment details.
  5. Click Subscribe.
  6. Enjoy Ad Free Animeflix.

Managing Subscription

If subscribed you click your profile picture and then Manage Subscription to manage your subscription. You can cancel subscription or update your card there.

Ad Blocker Way

We are very transparent about our Ads and we dont mind if you use an Ad Blocker but always remember you are removing our income that we can use to build better features and employ people to work on the website or build products.